Friday, January 17, 2025
Brandon Garcia
Discover tips to make construction signs more visible. Enhance safety with effective sign strategies! Click to learn more and improve sign visibility.
According to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS), there were 173,200 non-fatal injuries and illnesses in the construction industry last year, a 2.1% increase from the previous year. Slips, falls and trips are often the most common cause of construction site accidents and can lead to chronic pain, permanent disabilities, and mental health issues.
Companies can protect their workers by placing prominent signage throughout the work site. Construction signs play a vital role in safety and efficiency. They communicate important information to workers and visitors and can help reduce the risk of accidents and injuries.
Proper implementation also helps companies avoid fines or penalties imposed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) due to non-adherence to construction safety sign requirements. Strategies that enhance the visibility and effectiveness of safety signs can help ensure you protect your workers and are OSHA-compliant. This article reviews a few of them.
OSHA has specific requirements regarding accident prevention signs and tags for workplaces. These include construction sites that may expose workers and the public to hazards. Employers must meet signage specifications regarding:
Some construction sign visibility tips include placing signs at entrances, exits, and high-traffic areas. Consider obstacles like trees or even other signs that could prevent visitors or workers from seeing warning signs. Having signs at eye level and angled also optimizes their visibility.
The amount and size of equipment at a construction site may not seem relevant to signage visibility. However, equipment and other site structures could block signage. Consider your site layout and avoid placing signs where these obstructions might occur. Elevating signs or increasing their size may become necessary to ensure they are clearly seen even while using heavy equipment is being used.
A common practice around construction sites is using bold colors as it helps communicate hazards, creating greater awareness among workers. Bold colors contrast with the surroundings, making signage and workers in personal protective equipment easier to see, even in low light or fog. Here are a few major elements you should incorporate in your signage:
High-contrast colors like red and yellow draw attention. Using black on yellow or white on red can make signs more effective as these color combinations enhance readability. Avoid using too many medium tones that can blend with the background.
Colors communicate hazards to workers based on the American National Standards Institute's (ANSI) standard for safety colors which assigns meanings to specific colors. Using the right colors can convey essential safety information to workers.
Effective safety signs have typography that is clear and easy to read from a distance. Typography is a critical element of construction safety signs because it helps to convey the intended message clearly and effectively.
The right font can make or break a sign's effectiveness and should be more than just a stylistic choice. Some fonts help the eye move more easily from word to word, which can help with comprehension.
Reflective materials can enhance readability and improve the visibility of construction signs in low-light conditions. They work by reflecting light to its source, making it visible when illuminated.
Workers can see signs even after dark when there isn't adequate lighting. Using reflective materials can increase construction sign attention.
Reflective materials are particularly effective at night or in low-light conditions. Despite this, construction safety signs should have adequate lighting wherever possible. Proper lighting is vital for safety at construction sites because it:
Although inadequate lighting can pose a challenge at some work sites, LED lighting can provide consistent illumination. You should also invest in emergency lighting and portable batteries in the event the site's primary lighting fails.
Safety signs warn people of specific hazards, communicate precautionary measures, and indicate emergency actions. If your current signage does not achieve this, construction signage improvement is still possible, by incorporating the elements above.
You should also consider changing the design and size of your signs. The size and design of construction safety signs are important because they help to communicate important information and prevent accidents.
A properly sized sign can help to convey information effectively. It should be sized appropriately for the viewing distance. However, although size is important, a sign should not be so large that it becomes overwhelming.
A sign's design also contributes to high visibility and helps ensure all staff and visitors are aware of any dangerous on-site hazards. Safety signs should be organized to convey their intended message. This includes the appropriate use of color to symbolize safety, instruction, or danger.
Use a consistent design across all signs to create a visual identity and avoid confusion.
Implementing the strategies outlined above can make construction signs more visible and effective, enhancing workers' and public safety. However, a lack of upkeep can reduce signage effectiveness. You should regularly inspect signs for damage or wear and replace them as needed.
Visible and effective construction signs can help workers avoid slips, falls, and other site accidents that can lead to injuries and permanent impairments. Effective signs are the right size and incorporate appropriate typography and messaging, color contrast, and reflective materials. They should also be strategically placed and have adequate lighting.
Durable Safety Signs understands how signage can help create a secure and hazard-free environment. We can provide your organization with long-lasting, quality safety signs. We offer safety solutions that not only meet industry standards but exceed expectations.
Partner with us today to protect your employees and comply with OSHA safety standards, by improving signage safety and efficiency at your construction site.
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4300 River Rd. Springfield, OH 45502